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Always been a fan of ingame titles or surnames / lastnames , it just made me feel a bit more closer to my character aswell as a bit more personalized. Perhaps you could add tiny effects to a title like +hp or +mp or +def or along those longs or just keep them purely aesthetics, something along the lines of ranks? Could make it a part of an achievement system or incentive to clear dungeons or complete special quest lines that would reward you with a heroic title perhaps ... there is alot you could do with this concept actually.
Feel free to comment or leave your opinions about why or why you would not care to see such a feature in this game!
B is for Best time to help!
E is for Every bit counts!
T is for Tell everyone about RpgLegend!
A is for Act now and register , what are ya waiting for!?!
So you are talking about like having titles before or after names? Like: "Champion Koragashi" ?
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